Whether we like it or not, remote work is here to stay. As the entire legal industry works to deliver justice on-time, it needs a self-service eDiscovery software that is easy to use, delivers lightning-fast processing results, and has a full-featured review capability. For thousands of users around the world, VenioOne OnDemand, the self-service add-on to our VenioOne eDiscovery software, is that solution.
This month, five features, previously available only in the VenioOne platform, have been added to VenioOne OnDemand (VOD). These features empower legal and investigative teams to get more rapid access to the data critical to their cases and investigations, further enable remote work, and boost productivity.
The Features Now Available in VenioOne OnDemand Are:
- Batched eDiscovery Review – a browser-based, full-featured review platform
- Review Management – set up review sets and track progress as teams review batches of data
- Enhanced Graphical Data Analysis – interactive tools designed to help reduce data volumes and give quick insights into communications
- Full Admin Capabilities – all VenioOne admin functions are now available in your browser
- Faster, More Responsive User Interface – updated and optimized for modern browsers
To see these features in action, click the webinar recording links at the end of this post.
What is VenioOne OnDemand?
VenioOne OnDemand is the browser-based, self-service eDiscovery add-on to our VenioOne end-to-end eDiscovery platform.
When VenioOne OnDemand was launched several years ago, the functionality was more limited in order to keep the software easy-to-use for attorneys, paralegals and other end users. Given the improved capabilities of modern browsers and the greater need to support remote eDiscovery teams, Venio’s development team has steadily added more functionality into VOD, making it a full end-to-end eDiscovery platform, but one that still features the original simplified interface for ease of use.
1: Batched eDiscovery Review
Batched review is not new for Venio. We simply added it to the more modern and simplified interface of VOD. Because VenioOne OnDemand has become so popular and virtually all of the legal industry is now working from home, batched review was added to enable our partners to easily conduct managed reviews with large review teams working remotely.
With its browser-based, simple-yet-secure interface and absolutely no installation necessary, VOD is the perfect tool for remote review teams. As soon as a reviewer logs in, they see the batches assigned to them, then simply click a button to begin reviewing.
The reviewer is then immediately taken to our Review Dashboard (shown below). Our review features have been updated and optimized for use within a modern, browser-based system. With any eDiscovery platform, one of the first questions reviewers ask is whether they can customize the layout of their screens. With VOD, the answer is yes!
In VOD, the contents within each window may be customized, each window may be maximized and located independently across multiple monitors, and the entire layout may be saved. VOD even supports a reviewer having multiple layouts for their Review Dashboard to meet specific project needs.
2: Review Management
Review Management is the second new feature in VOD and consists of two parts. First Is the ability to create batched Review Sets. While the full VenioOne platform has always supported the creation of review sets for managed eDiscovery review teams, this addition to VOD updates our traditional batch creation tools to match the modern VOD interface and capabilities. Review set batches can now be created and tracked from within VOD.
To make the review set creation process more user-friendly, VOD presents the most commonly modified options to keep the interface clean and efficient. What’s more, VOD, provides all the additional options you could imagine needing within option links that can be expanded. VOD review set creation leverages review set templates, so there are even fewer clicks and choices involved for your common workflows. It’s truly the model of efficiency for creating batched review sets.
The Review Management Dashboard (shown below) is the second part of Review Management that has been added to VOD. The review manager can easily view the progress of the review, statistics for the reviewers, and tags being applied by them.
3: Enhanced Graphical Data Analysis
A great example of VOD improvements is our enhanced graphical data analysis dashboard, which is available within VOD. There has always been an interactive Analysis Dashboard, but now it has been improved for easier use and increased productivity.
As with the Review Dashboard, the Analysis Dashboard supports customized layouts. For example, I have this Email Analysis layout where I have placed the widgets most needed for that function. Individual widgets can be maximized, as well as filtered to show different results. You can create and save multiple layouts based on your specific needs.
- A Google-like search bar can be used to filter the data shown on the Analysis Dashboard.
- Buttons at the top allow me to open and save layouts, bulk tag, apply inclusive or exclusive filters and push the contents over to the Review Dashboard or Production.
- A Timeline widget displays the volume of data within a customizable date range.
- Any changes made within any of the widgets automatically update all other widgets in the Dashboard.
- Widgets may be customized to show the Top results or All, and may use one of three different chart types – bar, pie, or table.
- Also included is our Social Network Diagram, which gives a spider-web view of communications, indicating the volume of communication by the size of the nodes.
4: Full Admin Capabilities
The fourth new feature is a big one! Previously, full admin capabilities were only available within the Desktop Console of VenioOne.
Now, to enable remote workers to function more easily, eDiscovery project managers can access the full set of VenioOne admin functions (provided they have rights, of course) from within VOD in their browser of choice, no matter where they are working.
Not only that, but our admin functionality has undergone extensive reworking and functionality testing to group items to maximize efficiency, so you and your teammates can be more productive.
Breadcrumb links at the top enable rapid navigation. Items are grouped into Cards, so like items will display on a single screen. Add and Manage tools in the corner reduce the number of clicks to access multiple functions. When clicking the Manage button on any card, detailed items are displayed with clearly indicated View, Edit, and Clone options.
This same format is followed throughout the Admin module and will be enhanced with a new interface soon. Join us for upcoming webinars to learn more.
5: Faster, More Responsive User Interface
We all know how the phone rings when doc-to-doc speeds are slow, so we’ve made major back- end improvements to VOD to help streamline that and improve the performance of other functions as well. VOD now has a much faster and more responsive user interface.
The original version of VOD was built several years ago on Angular v.1. Since then, browsers have been modernized, and their functionality has improved, so VOD has been updated to Angular v.9 to support added functional changes while greatly improving speed and performance. VOD’s responsiveness will continue to improve with the Venio Dev team’s monthly updates to the platform, so stay tuned to learn about even more impressive features in the coming months.
Interested in learning more about VenioOne OnDemand?
- Webinar Recording: 5 New Features in VenioOne OnDemand eDiscovery Software Enable Remote Work and Boost Productivity
- Blog: 5 Features In VenioOne OnDemand Self-Service eDiscovery Software That Clients Love
- Blog: 5 Reasons Why Imagine Reporting Leverages VenioOne OnDemand Self-Service eDiscovery Platform
- Blog: Self-Service eDiscovery Use Cases
- Webinar Recording: Making the Move to Self-Service eDiscovery
- Contact us