Are You Getting the Most Out of Your eDiscovery Platform?
What are the key areas of optimization?
eDiscovery Systems
3 Common Challenges eDiscovery Vendors Experience from Customers July 25, 2022The eDiscovery industry is ever-evolving to meet the demands of clients and the changing legal landscape. But it’s not always easy for eDiscovery vendors to navigate obstacles in order to meet these d
eDiscovery Systems
The Evolution of eDiscovery May 31, 2022Since its inception in 2005, eDiscovery has taken on many forms—evolving with us to keep up with the colossal data demands of today. Even so, many law firms, corporations, service providers, and gover
eDiscovery Systems
6 Problems Government Agencies Face When Responding to FOIA Requests May 13, 2022What You Need to Know About FOIA Requests Established in 1967, the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) allows any member or entity of the public, such as US citizens, foreign nationals, and organization
Trainings and certifications
The Best Way to Set Your eDiscovery Practice Apart May 06, 2022As we propel through an ever-increasingly digitizing world, more and new data types and sources join the eDiscovery landscape. The demand for eDiscovery specialists and professionals, in turn, also in
eDiscovery Systems
Why SOC II Compliance Is Necessary for Your eDiscovery April 28, 2022Why SOC II Compliance Is Necessary The most common concern customers have about migrating their eDiscovery into the cloud is data vulnerability. With a vendor that is SOC II Type 2 compliant, you can
eDiscovery Systems
What to Look Forward to ILTACON 2022 April 22, 2022The International Legal Technology Association, ILTA, is the premier association for legal professionals. ILTA provides educational content and connections throughout the eDiscovery community with vol
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