Are You Getting the Most Out of Your eDiscovery Platform?
What are the key areas of optimization?
eDiscovery Systems
4 Ways for Corporations to Control Costs During eDiscovery February 22, 2022eDiscovery costs are often a significant category for in-house legal departments. While caseloads are going up, budgets are going down. A recent survey revealed that 88% of general counsel are downsiz
eDiscovery Systems
What Does In-House eDiscovery Success Look Like? February 15, 2022eDiscovery is a complex, critical part of legal cases. With the volume of data growing in every case, it can be costly and timely to manage it. While organizations have long outsourced these workflows
eDiscovery Systems
How Law Firms Can Meet the Changing Needs of Corporate eDiscovery February 08, 2022eDiscovery continues to change as technology evolves and makes it easier to streamline and manage the process. Change is inevitable, and your corporate clients may be keenly aware of the advancements
eDiscovery Systems
5 Roles Corporations Need for a Successful In-House eDiscovery January 25, 2022Corporate legal teams face unique challenges. On the one hand, they must operate as a business unit with budgetary responsibilities and management of processes and technology. On the other hand, they
eDiscovery Systems
How Much Should You Be Spending On EDiscovery Software? January 10, 2022eDiscovery can be an expensive aspect of any legal case — it accounts for 20-50% of all litigation expenses. As organizations, firms, and service providers look to bring eDiscovery entirely in-house,
eDiscovery Systems
8 Things About eDiscovery Platforms You May Not Know January 03, 2022The landscape of eDiscovery software continues to evolve with lots of options to support various users, from in-house legal teams to large law firms to government entities. In many cases, organization
eDiscovery Systems
The Next Big Thing in eDiscovery Platforms December 29, 2021The landscape of eDiscovery platforms is expanding. According to analysts, the global market value of the industry was $9.3 billion in 2020. The projection for 2025 is $12.9 billion, growing at a comp
eDiscovery Systems
The Most Common Mistakes Law Firms Make When Choosing an eDiscovery Platform December 22, 2021Implementing an eDiscovery platform requires research, preparation, and an understanding of how systems can tailor to your workflows. Law firms are experts at the legal process of eDiscovery. Using so
eDiscovery Systems
Are You Getting the Most Out of Your eDiscovery Platform? November 09, 2021The purpose of an eDiscovery platform is to drive efficiency in the legal discovery process. Most cases include massive amounts of data. As a result, you need a solution that can find the relevant inf
eDiscovery Systems
The Best Advice Service Providers Could Ever Get About eDiscovery Software October 25, 2021Those providing eDiscovery services have unique challenges. They can range from ensuring data security for their clients to meeting impossible deadlines. You’re also prioritizing retaining your bigges
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