Are You Getting the Most Out of Your eDiscovery Platform?
What are the key areas of optimization?
eDiscovery Systems
#WiECon19 Blog Series: Intro to the Conference and Women in eDiscovery June 10, 2019Women in eDiscovery A month ago, I attended the first Women in eDiscovery (“WiE”) conference in my hometown of Austin, Texas. I originally planned to write a single blog about the conference, but afte
eDiscovery Systems
The Four [inter]Faces of VenioOne May 22, 2019When the founders started Venio Systems ten years ago, their idea, borne out of their frustration with having to integrate numerous systems and the inherent data issues, was of one unified eDiscovery
eDiscovery Systems
Venio’s New and Longstanding Partnerships Continue to Lead to Greater eDiscovery Innovations May 16, 2019As we hit the second quarter of 2019, our tenth year of business, we are excited about the number of new Venio partnerships being established and renewals of longstanding partnerships that have alread
eDiscovery Systems
How Self-Service is Redefining eDiscovery March 29, 2019How Self-Service is Redefining eDiscovery Last week, we co-presented a webinar with our partner Ricoh to acquaint the eDiscovery community with our VenioOne OnDemand interface and how self-service eDi
eDiscovery Systems
5 Benefits of Having a Strategic Partner & Client Centric Model March 12, 2019One of the most important capabilities for a technology firm (or any company for that matter) is to be extremely focused on clients and partners. We recognize that this should be a no-brainer, however
eDiscovery Systems
Wrapping Your Head Around The Magic of Technology Assisted Review March 08, 2019I still remember the meeting where our network director explained virtual server farms to our IT team. Even as a technologist, it was hard to wrap my head around, but now it’s the norm and makes perfe
eDiscovery Systems
2019 Venio Expert Spotlight Series: Advanced Email Analytics: Think Outside of the [IN]box January 23, 20192019 Venio eDiscovery Expert Spotlight Series In our continued efforts to share knowledge, best practices, and thought leadership around eDiscovery software expert topics and begin our Tenth Anniversa
eDiscovery Systems
eDiscovery Day Quiz Information & Results December 05, 2018For a little eDiscovery Day fun and to celebrate their hard work, we put together an eDiscovery quiz that was sent to our partners and prospects. We also offered a prize for the first person to correc
eDiscovery Systems
10 Insights Celebrating National Entrepreneurs' Day November 20, 2018As our team approaches our tenth anniversary, we wanted to reflect on our last ten years and pull together a few thoughts about entrepreneurship and what we have learned along the way. Here are a few
eDiscovery Systems
VenioOne Certified Administrator Workshop November 06, 2018The three-day course is designed to help accelerate your success using our VenioOne platform. Course activities include hands-on exercises and a final 2-hour exam. Please contact certification@veniosy
eDiscovery Systems
Human + Machine: VenioOne CAL Is The Best Of Both Worlds In EDiscovery Software Tools September 27, 2018Do you need an eDiscovery Software tool to help with accuracy and speed up the review of the increasingly larger datasets in your legal cases? If so, VenioOne continuous active learning, or VenioOne C
eDiscovery Systems
5 Capabilities Your e-Discovery Software Must Have September 14, 20181. Location, Location, Location With law firms identified as a high-risk target for cybercrime, it is imperative that they be able to store their clients’ e-discovery data either on-premises behind th
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