Over the last ten years, eDiscovery Software has seen pockets of innovation and the most interesting innovations, such as artificial intelligence and active learning, are happening now. The ongoing transition online and generating communications, materials, etc. via our laptops, phones, and other systems has placed an exponential amount of stress on the eDiscovery infrastructure. Our goal at Venio Systems is to develop solutions that actually help everyone along the value chain – from service providers to attorneys, to private and public sectors.
Here are a few innovations in eDiscovery Software that have made it and we wanted to highlight a few that are changing and redefining the discovery process.
Why Visualized Data Matters
With the growth of file complexity along with the exponential growth in data, it is no longer feasible to manually review every single document. Merely showing the document with the metadata and basic keyword search results are not going help attorneys (end users) grasp the meaning and see patterns in the data. Proper visualization of data is vital for organizations to build effective strategies when managing each case. Over time we have designed the system to be flexible, and allow for various charts and graphs to be used based on client preference and what is most helpful.
With the sheer amount of data, it is very hard to sort through the data sets visually and make sense of the numbers so you can see trends. Seeing the data makes it easier to digest information more quickly. We designed a dashboard experience that shows the graphs, numbers, and provides the ability to customize views based on what people need from Venio. Knowing the type of information that a client’s team will need to review – from translation to document type – it can help firms know what unique resources might be needed to successfully manage a case.
Integrated Platforms vs. Unified Platforms
The VenioOne OnDemand dashboard is an important tool for our clients because it provides the ability to create dashboards using any fields available (attributes) which can tailor data based on very specific questions. One of the critical areas of focus is being able to access visuals on a regular basis and real time. This is something that VenioOne OnDemand does to ensure that users see charts real time and are not moving data around between systems. Our unified platform improves security and makes managing cases where data needs to be centralized much easier.
VenioOne is built from the ground up for eDiscovery and visualization has been core part of Venio from the beginning. These visualizations are build to provide insight in the data rather than just bells and whistle.
Why ECA matters and how Venio is different
With Early Case Assessment (ECA), end users can get visibility on the potential risk and potential cost of moving forward with the litigation. At VenioOne, we want clients to make informed decisions throughout the case and as soon as possible. Such information, allows users can make better decisions on whether to continue or settle the case. Understanding the data means being able to interpret it more effectively. The visualization allows users to identify what reviewers (or other resources) are needed when and at what cost. Venio can scan the data and provide reports to see the type of data, the volume of data, and, based on initial assessments, decide how to move forward.
VenioOne provides reports at every stage, from as soon as scanning of the data is complete to once data is culled and ready to review. With these, users can decide to move forward or drop in any of those points. Since VenioOne is a unified platform, end users can get all of these insights from one system instead of having to log into different systems to get different metrics. This information is critical so that planning and investments can be thoughtful and well-informed. If, at this point, the data is worth processing, then at least clients will have this clarity early in the discovery process. We help clients make better decisions throughout the case.
Leveraging Dynamic Foldering
VenioOne allows users to flag documents with tags, organize documents with folders, restrict certain groups to specific documents using Folder Restriction, as well as provide simple or complex searching for various workflows. The Dynamic Folder capability was introduced on the VenioOne platform to simplify sharing complex searches and to create workflows with ease.
With Dynamic Foldering, advanced users can simplify complex searches for other users. Users who are given access to these Dynamic Folders can view documents within these folders without having as much technical expertise when creating complex search criteria. These Dynamic Folders are run on the fly and therefore any new documents which match the criteria would be automatically shown to the user without administrators doing any extra steps.
Similarly, Dynamic Folders can be used to design workflows where different users in different roles need to look at documents which match certain criteria and make decisions on those documents. This is a much more cost-effective solution for organizations.
Dynamic Folders in VenioOne can be organized in a hierarchy to match the workflow or just create easy access. Access to the dynamic folder can be granularly controlled and can support different groups based on the role of the users as well as the security needs. Similarly, in VenioOne, dynamic folders can be made for all cases and dynamic folders can be leveraged as part of a standard process such as quality control. Another way clients use Dynamic Foldering is for a specific case where a certain step for a specific purpose must occur.
What are you excited about looking ahead?
CAL (Continuous Active Learning) is something we have been working on and investing in on behalf of our clients. When clients leverage assisted review, it includes training the system, which requires more technical resources and know-how and being able to figure out if results are good or not. With CAL, the system learns from users what they are looking for and then presents the documents which the user may want to see.
We believe that it is critical to work with the end user in mind and then work back to what technology is needed. The more manual processes we can convert to automated solutions the better. eDiscovery inherently has a lot of stops and starts and it is great to see CAL and so many other evolutions come into play to reduce downtime, costs, and create value for organizations.
Visit our website www.veniosystems.com and learn more about VenioOne and VenioOne OnDemand.
Arestotle Thapa
CEO / CTO at Venio Systems
Arestotle Thapa is responsible for the day-to-day operations of Venio Systems, as well as the long-term vision for the company and its products. He is a seasoned entrepreneur and a U.S. Army veteran with nearly 20 years of experience in the IT field and Software Engineering, including more than 10 years building ediscovery solutions.
Arestotle holds a master’s degree in M.I.S. from George Washington University School of Business and also holds numerous certifications including MCSE, MCDBA, CDIA+, and a Federal CIO certification from the GSA CIO University.