Implementing an eDiscovery platform requires research, preparation, and an understanding of how systems can tailor to your workflows. Law firms are experts at the legal process of eDiscovery. Using software to power the process can be a new endeavor — but it’s one that can bring substantial benefits to your practice.
Because there are many solutions available, you’ll want to plan out your strategy for deployment and avoid these common mistakes that firms can make when choosing a platform.
1. Going in Without a Comprehensive Understanding of the Technology.
It’s imperative to do your research on the capabilities of eDiscovery software. You may only be familiar with some aspects of the technology but not a true end-to-end system.
To achieve this, the applications of legal hold, early case assessment (ECA), processing, review, analytics, and production must live on a unified data layer. In this framework, you’ll experience high-speed processing, consistent usability, data exchange via API, scalability, and technical superiority over other platforms.
Before you demo any eDiscovery software products, decide what the ideal steps are and the functionality you need. Where are the roadblocks now in your process? For many law firms, it’s in the review stage because it’s the most time-consuming and expensive.
Fragmented ECA processes can often make review more cumbersome. With eDiscovery software that leverages artificial intelligence, you’ll be able to streamline the process and reduce inefficiencies.
2. Being Unclear About Processing Capabilities.
Even the simplest cases contain voluminous amounts of electronically stored information. While the ECA stage optimizes data before processing, there will still be a lot of data to process. Thus, you’ll need to ensure that the software solution you select can handle copious volumes (think terabytes) quickly. When evaluating options, you’ll also need to understand the scalability in their ability to process terabytes of raw data per day because a provider’s claimed volume of processing could mean different things.
Additionally, you’ll want to be sure it can process different media types, custodians, and job types. Speed is a nonnegotiable in eDiscovery software because you’re always on deadline.
3. Not Aligning Your eDiscovery Goals With a Technology’s Capabilities.
Not all eDiscovery software is the same. Some solutions have more functionality than others. Defining objectives before moving to a platform will be critical for success.
Part of that will be the process and workflows. While no case is the same, some fundamentals apply across the board. You’ll then want to be able to customize these to fit your needs, which isn’t feasible with every software. Being able to design your eDiscovery workflows will be of great value.
The system should have a good user experience and be easy to navigate. Going into the process believing that any system is cumbersome could deflect from how you grade the interface and user-friendliness. A solution doesn’t have to be complicated to be effective. In fact, it shouldn’t be complex.
A leading goal for any firm is to increase efficiency. It’s critical because manual work is often unbillable. A study found that some attorneys can lose up to six hours a day on nonbillable work. That type of inefficiency is more than inconvenient; it’s impacting your bottom line.
Additionally, your focus is on accuracy and streamlining tiered reviews. You can boost accuracy with better ECA and processing. You’ll want technology assisted review/continuous active learning to assist for review, so you don’t get bogged down or off track.
4. Thinking You Have to Migrate Everything Immediately.
Your transition to using eDiscovery software doesn’t have to happen overnight. You’re in control now of how you use the application, so you can ramp up until you feel comfortable.
Start with smaller cases, then keep adding more until every case leverages the technology.
5. Not Placing Value on the Onboarding Process.
While you don’t need to jump in with full force, onboarding and support from your provider are essential to adoption. You’ll get a good idea of what it’s like to work with a partner by reading reviews and asking questions.
Ideally, your onboarding should be the beginning of a partnership — not just a vendor and customer relationship. A smooth onboarding includes training and resources that are specific to your needs.
6. Forgetting About Support and Security.
Responsive, full-service support is essential for your transition and as you continue to use the system. Like any other product or software you use, your eDiscovery solution should include this too. Support is more than just answering questions or managing issues. It’s continued training past onboarding. Additionally, support should continue as your needs evolve. The right platform will be able to meet those needs.
Another key point to not overlook is security. Ensure that your provider uses data security best practices, such as two-factor authentication, single sign-on, and secure collaboration. Additionally, you’ll want to ensure they have a layered approach to cybersecurity to protect your data.
Choose the Right Platform With the Right Tools From the Right Provider.
By avoiding the mistakes above, your law firm can more easily compare and select the right solution. At Venio Systems, we support law firms big and small on their eDiscovery software journey.
You can learn more about how to implement eDiscovery software and what functionality you should evaluate by downloading our “Ultimate Guide to eDiscovery Platforms.”