Innovation, innovation, innovation
Things are changing rapidly with the electronic data involved in investigations and legal matters. From the types of data to storage locations to regulations and even artificial intelligence, we are always looking for advancements in technology to enable new workflows to meet those changing needs. With much of our client base made up of global eDiscovery service providers and the weekly or monthly meetings we have with them, we always have a network of great ideas to select from.
One recent example is our advanced email threading view, which not only identifies missing emails but also generates them from content contained within the communication thread. Another great example is our continuous active learning module that was released last year and has since had additional features added to make it easier to track the process of prediction. Just recently, we made updates for parsing Cellebrite, Slack and Bloomberg data and using the analytics tools in VenioOne to view conversations.
Not responsive to your requests
If you can’t remember the last time you were asked for your input on the development of your eDiscovery platform, that’s a problem. eDiscovery does not operate in a vacuum and nor should you. You work on the platform day in and day out, so you are the best equipped to identify what you need. The updates and enhancements made to VenioOne are directly driven by our client requests.
Committed to providing our clients the best solution for their needs, VenioOne is updated every two weeks and each update includes an explainer video detailing the enhancements. Sometimes these are minor changes, but frequently they are major like when CAL was added last year or this year when we partnered with the Brainspace team to add deep integration, because more and more clients are looking for deeper analytics.
Customer service lacks the personal touch
If you feel like you are just a number when calling for support, that’s no good. At Venio, we remember why we exist, and that is to meet your needs. Our support team know our customers by name and understand their working environments, so that our customers have welcoming, positive interactions with Venio. Our team of long-time employees is managed by one of our founders, so the care comes from the top down. This level of detail is designed to reinforce how much we care and improve the time to resolution when you need our assistance.
Do you really know your eDiscovery Platform costs?
Many times it can feel like eDiscovery platform providers are making a money grab, because you have to have a solid solution. With many of them being VC funded, there is great pressure to show economic results. Just look at the number of providers who eagerly report large investments in their companies only to show big marketing endeavors and large hiring sprees. But what they often can’t show a year or more later, is an actual new innovation that makes a difference for you. Venio Systems is 100% founder funded and committed to steady, consistent growth that is not at your expense. Ten years in, we are exactly where we need to be; providing you with more reasonable and flexible licensing solutions for a top notch eDiscovery platform designed by people who have deep roots in the industry.
Need a cloud/hybrid/on-prem solution
Older eDiscovery platforms were all on-premises. Many newer eDiscovery platforms are completely cloud-based. Your requirements are diverse and your options should be too. You shouldn’t be limited by your eDiscovery platform. You may have high security situations that require a standalone solution that isn’t connected to the Web, or you may need a simplified cloud-based interface so that your teams can leverage an all new, modern self-service eDiscovery approach. Either way, VenioOne has you covered. Does your platform?
Rock solid security
At a time when global privacy directives and states within the US have constantly shifting security requirements, you need a solution that is going to meet those needs. You need to know where your data is housed and who is minding its security. If you’re being forced to use a provider’s cloud-based data stores, that may not always meet the needs of your matters and investigations. With the VenioOne eDiscovery platform, you put your data where you want it and control who has access to it. We frequently get inquiries about security. Any concerns are quickly put to rest when we let people know that we are the trusted solution for several major US government agencies that have the highest security requirements of anyone around.
Shared commitment to your success
With many vendors, clients are just a number and easily replaced. It’s not easy to make a major change, so they take you for granted. That is the exact opposite from how the Venio Systems team thinks about our partners. Our founders oversee four major areas of the business – operations, development, support, and sales. They are directly involved in day-to-day activities and communicate with our partners on a regular basis. We work hard to win your business, and we work even harder to keep it. There are a lot of options out there, so renewals are as important to us as new sales. When our clients come over to the Venio way, they stay.
Experience the Venio way of doing eDiscovery. Request an eDiscovery platform demo.