Moving your eDiscovery process into the cloud offers a plethora of benefits to help you become more successful, including improved efficiency, automated processes, cutting down costs, flexible software and ease of use.
Though many share concerns about security risks, loss of control and switching costs, navigating these concerns can be simple. Read on to find out how.
Cloud eDiscovery: The Basics
The cloud is a network of hosted servers used to power every aspect of eDiscovery software from a third party vendor that deploys, manages and optimizes the software. It aids in the discovery process by collecting, processing, analyzing, storing, and exporting digital data in a single, vigorous, end-to-end portal.
The cloud eliminates the need for an on-premise console, allowing users to connect from any computer or mobile device, from anywhere in the world.
The Need for Speed (and Accuracy, Accessibility and Affordability)
Moving your eDiscovery software into the cloud offers innumerable benefits. Here are our top five:
- Automation
Every year, we produce more data than we ever thought possible, and thus, every year we produce more discoverable electronically stored information (ESI) that is no longer manually possible to sift through or store. The surplus of ESI requires an automated eDiscovery solution that lives in the cloud.
With the use of artificial intelligence (AI), eDiscovery platforms are able to accurately process more data at 10x the speed and reduce human-led reviews by 90%. It also creates interactive data analysis visualizations, so you don’t have to.
- Efficiency
Because the cloud can be accessed from anywhere by anyone with the right credentials, your team’s productivity can increase tenfold. The centralized cloud platform provides users with the opportunities to work from home, like during this pandemic, and increase team collaboration efforts through easy shareability.
- Cost-Effectiveness
Switching your eDiscovery to a cloud-based platform reduces unnecessary spending through the elimination of on-premise in-house applications, software and hardware. Personnel required to operate these facilities are redirected to more productive tasks like developing new mission or business-critical applications and software
- Scalability
Cloud services provide elastic computing and processing to fit your eDiscovery needs as they oscillate from small to large caseloads. The ability to scale up and out awards you the unprecedented and unsurpassed capacity to operate your eDiscovery at the lowest possible per GB cost while enjoying the highest possible throughput.
- Simplified Solution
Modern cloud applications, like Venio Cloud, come with a single web-based user interface that simplifies every step of the eDiscovery process.
Because everything is managed in the cloud, your IT department is no longer overwhelmed with software maintenance and upgrades, and can focus on more essential tasks. The cloud also seamlessly deploys eDiscovery software to users around the world, and further reduces the need for on-site updates.
Common Cloud Concerns and How to Solve Them
- Security
The greatest concern eDiscovery users express for moving their platform into the cloud is the lack of security. Cloud-managed services require a third party operator that, some believe, exposes sensitive data to a larger pool of people. A fear of the potential leakage of personal information with increased redaction difficulties also veers people away from cloud services.
Data shows that while security remains a valid concern with all eDiscovery platforms, it shouldn’t be a deterrent for embracing the cloud. Unlike any on-premise software, the cloud is constantly undergoing system updates to maximize workflow throughput and upgrade security functionalities, allowing for easier disaster risk mitigation from ingestion to production.
The exponential increase in ESI has also given rise to governmental regulations on data handling and storage. Local and international policies such as FedRAMP, FRCP and GDPR aid in mitigating cloud security.
Lastly, internal efforts from third party cloud providers are constantly evolving to address user concerns. The most advanced eDiscovery providers are SOC II compliant for enterprise-level security.
- Cost of Switching
While the long term use of the cloud is more cost-effective, the cost of switching to a cloud-based platform can be expensive. The high upfront cost of licensing per user and/or per GB, and training can be difficult to navigate.
Additionally, the transfer of decades of data into the cloud forces a different type of cost. The task is labor-intensive, time-consuming and can require more personnel.
The advancement of legal technology and growing need for digital transformation has provoked the creation of many cloud-managed eDiscovery services, each with their own pricing model. So while it’s true that some cloud providers have high upfront costs, others use a project-based model that is more cost-effective.
To further limit costs, you can limit the amount of data you transfer. Not all data is always important and if you are no longer legally bound to store it, safely delete it before transferring it. Learn more about suppressing your cloud costs by contacting a Venio team member.
- Less Control
Using a cloud-based platform necessitates surrendering some of your control over data management and putting your trust in a third party vendor.
However, within the cloud, there are self-service capabilities, such as a client portal and options to create new cases, upload your data, perform analysis, and search, review and produce with ease.
You can also utilize our Ultimate Guide to eDiscovery Platforms to compare vendors before you move to the cloud to find the one you trust. This gives you the opportunity to demo a platform before you commit and compare functionalities like where and how data is stored.
Fly High into the Cloud with Ease Using Venio Systems
Venio Systems offers Venio Cloud; a robust, fully integrated, end-to-end platform from ingestion to production. It is agile and infinitely scalable to process greater than 10 terabytes per day with a comparatively 10x faster processing throughput. Our AI-powered automation reduces errors in review, provides easy data analysis and cultivates unparalleled efficiency.
Venio Cloud is one of the best and most versatile tools for small and large operations that process and manage anywhere between 10 GB to over hundreds of TB of data across numerous cases. It comes with a flexible pricing model and free trial that you’ll find compelling, irrespective of the size or state of your eDiscovery needs