When the founders started Venio Systems ten years ago, their idea, borne out of their frustration with having to integrate numerous systems and the inherent data issues, was of one unified eDiscovery platform to efficiently handle the entire lifecycle of a case or investigation – from processing, ECA, analysis, and review through to production. However, having a long history of working in eDiscovery themselves, they also recognized that the needs of those working on a case or investigation are very diverse. Thus, while VenioOne is still one platform and one database, there are now four interfaces that can used to access the database – Desktop, Web, Touch (mobile), and, our newest offering, OnDemand.
Desktop Console
The desktop console of VenioOne is designed for the heavy lifting done by project managers and administrators who set up projects, create templates to improve workflows, control access rights, and ensure the system is functioning properly. In addition to the usual tools one would expect, VenioOne is configured to provide distributed processing on the back end to get data processed rapidly.
As you have probably guessed, the desktop console is installed on a single computer or group of computers as needed by the organization. One of the unique attributes of VenioOne that you may not expect is that, for high security cases, the entire platform can be installed on a powerful laptop with no connection to the Internet needed. This option and other security features have made VenioOne the solution of choice for several high profile, high security government agencies in the United States.
Additionally, the database for VenioOne can be housed either on-premises or in the cloud as the needs of the organization require. Your data resides where you need it to with the security protection you require. Venio believes firmly in providing options for their business partners and not forcing them into one mode of operation that may not fit their specific business needs.
Web Console
With the advent of cloud storage and software as a service, Venio developed our web-based console that runs inside a web browser, which connects to the VenioOne SQL database on the back end. The web console was designed to provide the tools that a project manager or review administrator might need, but contained within a simpler interface for use by reviewers. There are interactive dashboards that give high level insights into case data, as well as robust search and review capabilities designed to handle the meaty middle portion of a case or investigation.
Review managers can create review sets using the robust, but user-friendly, Review Set Management Wizard to ensure reviewers are seeing just the data needed to be reviewed. Reviewers can either be assigned specific review sets or given broader search and analysis rights within a project – again, providing the flexibility that legal and investigative teams need.
You may also wish to take advantage of our built-in technology assisted review (TAR). VenioOne’s web console offers both traditional Venio assisted review (VAR) or continuous active learning (CAL) or TAR 2.0. Both of these solutions leverage machine learning to quickly focus in on the documents that are relevant to your matter without having to view them all.
OnDemand is our latest offering developed to serve as a self-service solution that end users utilize to quickly upload, process, and access data themselves. With the power of the VenioOne desktop console to administer access rights and create templates for data ingestion, OnDemand has taken off and become even more full-featured that it was originally conceived to be. It has become the go-to solution people didn’t even know they needed.
In working with our service provider business partners, the use and design of OnDemand has grown and changed rapidly. What was originally designed to be an easy drag-and-drop solution to get data into a matter has become a full-featured, yet still easy to use, layer with review, search, analysis, and export tools included. Customizable, interactive, widget-based dashboards provide a simple, but robust, way to meet the needs of a variety of roles.
In addition, one of the biggest game changers within OnDemand has been the ability to easily share and collaborate with others involved in a matter or investigation, such as witnesses, experts, or translators. Secure links can be shared with individuals either internally or externally for uploading or downloading groups of or individual documents. All of the security you would expect is included and everything is tracked and controlled in the VenioOne database on the back end. Never before have end users been so empowered to get things done quickly on their own cases!
While OnDemand was originally conceived to be a solution to aid in smaller cases, it has now been used in cases of every size. Truly, the only limitation of OnDemand is in the amount of data that can be uploaded at one time due to the end user’s bandwidth constraints. Because OnDemand is connected to our powerful back end database, processing happens quickly and users are notified as soon as their data has been processed. Another option is to move to the other VenioOne interfaces if a case requires the more robust analytics or review tools available in the desktop or web consoles. Because you are working with one database, this transition is easily accomplished with no fear of data loss.
Touch (Mobile)
VenioOne Touch is a mobile site that can be used for a variety of functions in VenioOne when you are on-the-go. It is designed to provide quick oversight of processing and other tasks that a busy eDiscovery project manager might need to manage. The Touch mobile interface keeps you on top of your projects when you’re on the move.
Feature List and More Information
If you’d like to see a breakdown of VenioOne’s features across the interfaces, click here.
If you’d like to take a closer look at VenioOne, email us at info@veniosystems.com.