As we hit the second quarter of 2019, our tenth year of business, we are excited about the number of new Venio partnerships being established and renewals of longstanding partnerships that have already occurred this year. We are even more excited about the innovations indicated by those partnerships. Venio has maintained a foundation of close partnerships since its start ten years ago and those partnerships continue to bear fruit that has already exceeded our wildest dreams. We can’t wait to see what the rest of 2019 holds for our Venio partners!
partner [pahrt-ner]
noun 1 a person who shares or is associated with another in some action or endeavor; sharer; associate 2 Law a person associated with another or others as a principal or a contributor of capital in a business or joint venture, usually sharing its risks and profits. |
Innovation 1: Self-Service eDiscovery
One of our recent long-time partner renewals was described by founder Chris Jurkiewicz as follows: “Venio is excited to see NearZero’s business grow with our product. The addition of VenioOne OnDemand, our self-service eDiscovery solution, to NearZero’s service offerings bodes well for their customers as it is truly game-changing for eDiscovery workflows and the ability to give customers what they need – quick turnarounds for lower costs.”
As Venio partner Richard Wessel said “We looked at how we could better serve our clients and found that VenioOne OnDemand significantly enhanced our existing managed service offering. VenioOne OnDemand actively extends the platform to give clients the control and convenience that so many within the legal profession have been seeking. In talking with our clients and prospects, it was becoming clear that some are looking to bring the technologies in-house, so we approached Venio Systems about becoming a reseller. We are excited to share our experiences with new prospects about how the VenioOne Platform can bring a defensible and transparent workflow to their eDiscovery needs.”
The lightweight, user-friendly front end of VenioOne OnDemand with the heavyweight backend is disrupting the industry as one of the only fully unified self-service solutions for legal professionals, enabling new ways of working.
By maintaining close relationships with our partners, we stay in tune with their needs and the needs of their clients, which enables us to develop innovative solutions to their problems. VenioOne OnDemand is exactly such a solution. It was developed in partnership with Ricoh and is now being adopted by many of our other service provider partners, as well as corporate, law firm and government entities. To hear more about the Ricoh partnership and the OnDemand solution, you may wish to listen to our recent webinar about the specific use cases for a self-service eDiscovery solution.
Innovation 2: Machine Learning Enabled Analytics
Venio and Brainspace recently announced a new partnership to produce Brainspace CORTX, a combined eDiscovery and analytics platform. Combining the capabilities of these two advanced platforms was no small feat. Because of Venio’s strong reputation for working with partners on innovative solutions, Brainspace chose VenioOne to serve as the eDiscovery solution to be combined with their advanced analytics platform to provide what Brainspace customers needed. This combined solution is a win-win in that existing Venio partners can also take advantage of the combined Brainspace CORTX product to extend the capabilities of their existing VenioOne platform to provide deeper and more advanced analytics. It is unique partnerships like this that benefit the entire eDiscovery community.
“Brainspace has always focused on creating an innovative user experience that seamlessly connects the human expert with world class machine learning, interactive visual analytics and traditional eDiscovery capabilities. By combining the strengths of Brainspace with VenioOne, Brainspace CORTX now delivers the modern tools needed to expedite corporate investigations, intelligence mining and eDiscovery,” says Ravi Sathyanna, VP of Product Development at Brainspace.
As Arestotle Thapa, Venio’s CEO/CTO said, “With larger pools of data and more need for corporations and government agencies to examine that data at a deep level quickly, the advanced analytic and visual capabilities provided by Brainspace are a natural fit to extend our end-to-end eDiscovery platform. Both of our development teams worked hard to integrate our VenioOne eDiscovery platform at a very high level with the Brainspace data analytics platform. The end result is something both companies are extremely proud and excited to make available to customers.”
By leveraging the deep expertise of both organizations, the new combined product will solve many eDiscovery headaches – the rise in internal threats, corporate investigations, and electronica communication compliance issues. CORTX powered by VenioOne will allow end users to streamline their investigative and eDiscovery workflows while providing more control over their annual eDiscovery spend.
Innovation 3: Enabling New eDiscovery Business Models
At the foundation of Venio’s business model is our founders’ level of commitment to the success of our partners and their businesses. With this mindset and focus, we are able to create technology solutions that enable changes to traditional eDiscovery business models. This is evidenced by our recent new partnership with eDiscovery service provider EDDCloud and their use of the VenioOne OnDemand interface.
“We looked at all the tools on the market and kept coming back to Venio because of their technology, commitment to customer service, and visionary roadmap for development. Our strength is predicated on our ability to deliver an infinitely scalable solution that outperforms our competition while saving our clients’ money. With Venio, we can do that by leveraging our cloud-based technology stack,” said Tony Ramsey, CEO of EDDCloud.
“The ability to deliver a self-serve or ‘Do it Yourself’ model of eDiscovery to our clients was key in our decision to partner with Venio. With the EDDCloud and Venio partnership, our clients have more control over their data; they can upload, process, review and produce data through a user-friendly interface. Our all-in pricing includes advanced data analytics and computer assisted review in the base price, so mid-sized legal teams have access to the same tools as large law. That’s a game changer for them,” said Billy Eccelston, VP of Operations.
Innovation 4: Enabling Firms of All Sizes Access to Advanced eDiscovery Technology
Venio partner Litigation Edge has recently had their CaseRoom solution, which is powered by VenioOne OnDemand, selected into a Singapore technology program promoting and enabling the adoption of advanced legal technologies for law firms and corporations.
As part of the Tech-celerate for Law government-supported program, Singapore Law Practices may receive funding to support first-year tech costs, creating incentives for adopting advanced technology solutions. Because of Litigation Edge’s excellent reputation partnered with Venio’s excellent technology, CaseRoom powered by VenioOne OnDemand was one of only three eDiscovery solutions selected to be part of this new program.
While some firms may choose to only use the front-end, self-service features of VenioOne through CaseRoom, they also have access to the more advanced back end features like email analytics and technology assisted review using continuous active learning, because VenioOne is a unified platform.
Just as EDDCloud has done, Venio’s other partners are leveraging Venio’s technology to make advanced eDiscovery tools more widely available at a more predictable cost that smaller firms can afford. Being able to provide affordable advanced eDiscovery solutions to law firms of all sizes is one of the many benefits of Venio’s technology combined with its strong network of partners.
What’s Next?
We continue to update and innovate the VenioOne platform. Since releasing continuous active learning in 2018, we have made it even faster and are releasing major updates to the dashboard to aid project managers in their projects which use predictive coding. We have also recently released a new simple search interface to make composing complex searches even easier than before. Look for additional announcements about the handling of mobile data and other data types in the future.
Of course, that’s just the beginning! No telling where our partnerships will take us next! Why don’t you come along for the ride?
More Information
For more information on the referenced partnerships, you may review our recent press releases.
For more information about the VenioOne eDiscovery platform, either email or request a demo.